Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Incompetence = American Deaths

In another stunning display of utter incompetence, Barack Obama has allowed more Americans to be killed at the hands of Muslim scum. As soon as the reaction to the trailer for an anti-Muslim film caused violent reactions in Egypt and Libya, our President should have taken action. Instead, he relied on his useless words to address it.

Dear Mr. President, your words are useless, your actions or lack thereof, speak volumes and your incompetence is stunning. Americans are dying at the hands of the Muslim scum you have supported in Egypt and Libya in their bloody power grab in both countries and now, the blood is on your hands. You had hours to respond to this escalating madness and now we have a dead ambassador.

Barack, what will it take for you to wake up to the vacuum you have created in the Middle East? They have destroyed an embassy and murdered Americans in the name of their lunatic religion. You have cozied up to their leaders and when an explosive situation presented itself, the best you could offer was to thumb your nose at the only ally we have in the region.

You're a child in President's clothing. The only problem is, now the Emperor has no clothes. You have been exposed for the useless, incompetent, buffoon you are and now, the only thing that stand between you and unemployment is a woefully ignorant US electorate.

The deaths of Americans in the Middle East underscore your inability to manage a country and its assets. You are a disgrace to this nation and you owe it to those who died to simply step down. Will you do it? Of course you will not because your party demands power and you are their most likely conduit. Therefore you must run and continue this facade of a Presidency. If you ever cared for this country, you would resign your position but you lack any modicum of decency or morality.

In closing, Mr. President, as a fellow American, I am tired of and disgusted with you and your facade. You have diminished the American luster and caused this country great damage. You have diminished our standing in the World and when other leaders look upon you, they chuckle at your ineptitude and openly flout their willingness to kick our asses. Four years ago, there was no country on this planet that dared challenge us. Now they burn our embassies and kill our ambassador and you hide behind your words. Well done young peasant. This is your legacy and it is a sad and pathetic one.

Good day Junior.

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