Monday, September 10, 2012


The new tag line for America should be "Land of the free, home of the brave and bastion of ignorance". The willful ignorance of the left is stunning to say the least.

How anyone in their right mind could support Barack Obama for another term boggles the mind. He has single-handedly destroyed the American work ethic in one term. More people collect some form of government aid than in any time in our country's history. What nobody wants to admit is the simple fact that the job market in America has become so bad, people are applying for disability when their unemployment runs out rather than take a less than desirable job.

While Barry and his band of thieves destroy the credibility of America, Americans fearful of becoming destitute are applying for myriad benefits and hanging out on Facebook promoting his brand of American weakness. Whenever I see an Obama 2012 sticker, not only do I cringe, it makes me think there should be a litmus test of some kind before voting or at least a requirement to post a sticker next to the Obama 2012 sticker that simply says "I'm Stupid!"

The level of partisanship and ignorance required to bring a person to support the current President is something of fables. How on Earth did we ever drive this country this close to the brink of socialism and those on the left have not a clue? While Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi tout the accomplishments of President Obama, the real goings on are wholly ignored by the left and Barry is held up as some kind of magical uniter.

What people on the left failed to hear at the DNC convention is the repeated lines of growing a spine and being unapologetic for their brand of politics. The age of thugs and criminals waging war against a decent nation has arrived. The kind-hearted, church going, conservative, business person is now the enemy. The Union thug who votes early and often, then stands outside a poll with a baseball bat to fend off the church lady is branded a hero.

How did we go this far off course? Well the "media for Obama" crowd explains much. The lame stream media in America has certainly done much to pump his bottom line, deflect the reality of his message and apologized for the mess we now find this country.

Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the worst President ever, it's just a matter of time. However, in the meantime, Americans have to get a clue or the worst President in history will get another four years to further dismantle a nation and destroy the American Dream fully and completely.

A civil war is not yet in the works but give Barry another four years and it becomes inevitable. Do I really believe people will take up arms against the government? No, but I believe the government will take up arms against the people in ways we cannot even fathom at this stage of the game. When Barry's thugs take up arms against us, the repercussions and reaction will be swift and severe. Impeachment is not only likely, it is a forgone conclusion. Barack Obama's Presidency must end at the polls or the divisions in this nation will become so deep and wide, it will take generations to heal them.

He has to leave such a mess behind, there will be no conceivable way to repair the damage. Trillions in additional national debt, reduced GDP, unsustainable entitlements, weakened military and unfathomable World destabilization. It all fits into the formula of destroying America. It is cold, calculated, premeditated murder of the American Dream.

Divide and conquer is his mantra, his practice, and will become his legacy. He has already divided a nation and he will not stop until American greatness is a thing of the past. The Chinese and Russians love him. The head cutting thugs in the Middle East love him as he cozies up to the Muslim brotherhood taking over and the drug cartels in Mexico love him for fast and furious. As he attends fewer and fewer intelligence briefings, the nation seems bent on becoming exponentially less intelligent. He would actually have to be held accountable if he had any idea what was going on in the World. He only knows one thing...he only focuses on one thing: "How can I most efficiently and effectively destroy American greatness and destabilize the World as quickly and completely as possible?"

America has always been a super-power and the corrupt and dictatorial regimes have always had to contend with that power. Now they have an ally in the White House doing what they have been trying to do for the last 120 years. He's doing it in record time and with a ruthlessness unprecedented in history. Just wait folks, the best is yet to come. Either we vote this thug out or he will sick his thugs on us. Mark my words.

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