Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cowardly New World

Well, the election is over, the results are mostly in and America has once again taken a very hard turn to the left. The nonsense sunk in and we get four more years of insanity and socialism. The markets were responding favorably to an expected Romney Victory. Obviously, investors are running for the hills.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has plummeted since the election results were known. People who returned Barack Obama to office obviously have no sense of the fiscal reality of his first Presidency and no concept how far he is willing to take this.

It is a stunning day for America when you have voter ID laws being voted down, election integrity being voted down, record low turn out and insanity as the end result. We are asking Barack Obama to do what he did for four more years and we are expecting a different result. Well, my friends, the result will be very different. Debt and taxes will skyrocket, health insurance will become a pipe dream for all but the wealthiest Americans, and our military stands down...weakened by a grossly incompetent President.

You get what you vote for and this time around, you will get it square in your pocket books. Major companies are already announcing massive layoffs. The stock market is plunging and financial markets are descending into disarray. President Obama is assuredly planning his next golf outing at your expense while the markets burn. Harry Reid has announced he believes this election was a mandate to raise taxes. The biggest tax increase in US history takes affect right before Obama's inauguration in January.

Health insurance costs are going to skyrocket as they necessarily must under the Obamacare mandates. If you don't lose yours, you will be inclined to cancel it due to the massive increases in rates. Buyers remorse should set in about this time next year when millions more have been laid off, Federal extensions to unemployment are already being cancelled and people will lose far more than their homes and cars. Despair will rule the day a year from now and as Obama goes on an anti-Constitutional crusade, rights will be trampled, martial law will be imposed and anyone who challenges this dictator will be crushed.

It truly is a cowardly new World with millions of people placing their faith in the President's ability to make decisions for them rather than seeking to protect the right to make their own.

Finally, all you abortion rights extremists, thank you for placing your vagina and ability to kill a fetus above that of American greatness. You are inspirational to all Americans. Hispanics who voted illegally should be hunted down and jailed for terrorism. The rest of the ignoramuses who voted for Obama, will get what you have coming to you. Four more devastating years. I am embarrassed to call myself American but I can't find a decent paying job to help me escape.