Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Union Due

The last several weeks have seen public employees protesting with unprecedented fervor. What I find most interesting is how the same folks who were calling the Tea Party folks violent racists have now decided violence is an appropriate means to their ends. After all, the unions are unabashedly leftist, conservative hating, democrat dominated and politically motivated more than perhaps any other segment of our population.

What has been accepted as practice in Madison, Wisconsin, is vandalism on a staggering scale, overt violence toward a Fox News reporter, the encircling and threatening of a GOP State Senator and angry, hate filled, speech. When the chants of "shame, shame, shame" switched to "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you" even I was surprised at the depths to which the ingrates had sunk.

The public employees engaging in the protests in Madison were so beyond what would be considered "civil" behavior, I, as a citizen would like to see the whole bunch of them fired from their jobs and jailed for the various illegal acts they committed. The media tried over and over to manufacture hate and paint a picture of the Tea Party activists as gun toting, racist, bigoted, violent, homophobic, thugs. The public employees protesting in Madison demonstrated their hatred, used violence, intimidated a lawmaker and essentially kidnapped him (look up the definition) and destroyed or severely damaged public property. Where is all the outrage from the media?

Why is the American media so derelict in their duties? Well, it might have to do with the fact that most of them were schooled by public employees and have had hatred for the right programmed into them since they were in kindergarten. Somebody needs to let them know they need to experience and express a little gratitude or the public who is paying their wages is going to become disgruntled. The public is their paying customer after all and the wholesale contempt for anyone who might be sympathetic to the plight of Governor Walker, risks the fury of their anger.

We, the paying public, who are now questioning the huge paychecks, overly generous benefit packages and fat pensions are worthy of scorn, hatred and even violence if we dare challenge the great sacred cow of the public employee. They have become the caricature of the one who bites the feeding hand and even after latching on refuses to let go until they are clubbed into submission.

I believe Scott Walker had the best intentions but was misguided in one sense. He mixed the issue of balancing the State budget with the need to pare back the unmitigated power of public employee unions. The budget needed balancing but to handcuff the two issues together places the public employee unions right where Walker wanted them least, in the driver's seat. He needs to separate the two issues. Balance the budget then take on the bloated unions.

The unions would have been far more effectively dealt with through Right to Work legislation which could have been introduced separately and would likely have been less polarizing while gaining essentially the same net effect. Yes, I am in-fact available as a political consultant. Is anyone listening?

I believe a watered down version of Walker's proposal will eventually be passed. The Legislators who left the State should be recalled, or worse. The unions will begin to lose their grip on the throats of the taxpayers and ultimately, they will get their due. It is high time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragedy Politicized

At times, it seems the left simply cannot help itself. A tragedy occurred in Tucson this weekend, several people died, a nine year old child, a Federal Judge, several innocent bystanders and a Congresswoman was likely permanently injured. With a tragedy of this magnitude, you would think the last thing on the minds of rational people would be politics. Unfortunately, we are not dealing with rational people when we are talking about liberals.

You see, delving into the mind of a liberal would be like delving into the mind of the shooter himself. In that crazy little space, you will find random, irrational, scattered, and largely illogical thoughts. You have to think back to when you were a young child and something bad happened and the kids on the playground would say something like, “the Government should do something about that” or “if I was President, the Government would buy all the kids toys!” The problem is liberals never grow out of that stage.

I was having a conversation on-line with my son’s girlfriend the other day. She is 17 and epitomizes the thought process of a liberal. I was arguing with her regarding the state of affairs in our home town which is completely dominated by liberals. The City Council has a 6 to 3 majority of liberals over moderates and conservatives. There is not a single conservative State Representative or State Senator from this area. I was complaining that there are no jobs in the area, little economic activity in the region and a lot of empty store fronts. Her response: “Well the City should take those store fronts and convert them to community centers where kids could go paint murals on the walls and put crepe paper on the ceilings.” She went on to explain that when the storefronts are empty, they belong to the City anyway and they should put them to use. I tried to explain to her, the property, in-fact, belongs to a property owner who is paying exorbitant taxes on it whether it was full or empty…she never made that connection and continued to rant about how the kids have nothing to do and how the City should provide them more activities.

She never put two and two together even as I stressed, these things cost money and “the City” has no money and the money they spend comes from taxpayers. She eventually got frustrated with me, I could not see her point. This is the mind of a liberal…a shooting occurred, a Democrat got shot, it must be a Republican or conservative who did the shooting, it just has to be! Never mind the nine year old who died, with arguably no political affiliation, the judge whose political affiliation was also likely unknown to the shooter, the many innocents who were wounded or killed and we must forget about the shooter’s chosen reading.

Among his favorites were Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. Yes, he is definitely a conservative with two of the most extreme leftist ideological manuals among his favorites. What the left fails to recognize is they have begun to believe their own revisionist history. Their teachings would have us believe Hitler was an extreme conservative and Communism is somehow an evil creation of the right. They actually teach this garbage in schools and have students believing it.

It is important to note, this scumbag, whose name I will not repeat here, was a devout anti-Semite, obviously an extreme leftist and that aside, he is completely insane. The left is falling all over itself to paint a picture of him as a Tea Party member, a conservative nut job and some sort of right wing extremist. Unfortunately for the left, the facts don’t support any thesis that he had any affiliation with the right. In-fact, the facts point the opposite direction. So, as the left has now begun to consume itself and their operatives are trying relentlessly to deflect the obvious link the shooter has to their own, we should not engage them. The left must not be confronted as this will only give them traction. We should simply stand and watch in wonder as the left continues to self-destruct. Just as you cannot change the mind of a drug addict until he or she decides they want to change, we cannot, nor should we intervene, argue or try to counter their arguments. We should simply stand by and ensure they do no more damage to the innocent collaterals in the crowd.

Pack a gun, stay away from the left and remain aware. They will now use this tragedy to shamelessly promote their anti-gun, anti-Constitution agenda. Remember the kid on the playground. You would not argue with him, you would just chuckle and say to yourself, “what a dumbass”. We should simply do the same, as the kid on the playground has made it all the way to the White House and in two years, the adults will be back in charge. May the souls we lost over the weekend rest in peace and hopefully, Congresswoman Giffords will be back in office with a full and miraculous recovery in short order.