Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How Much is Enough?

The President of the United States of America is in violation of the Constitution. The highest law of the land is routinely ignored by Barack H. Obama. Is it felonious? Well let’s explore this notion a little. What is a felony? Generally a felony is a serious crime. It is a crime serious enough, we as people of this country have decided worthy of prison time of at least one year and a day. What punishment is worthy of an executive of the United States of America, who has sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution, who then willingly and knowingly violates and subverts it? He was a former Constitutional scholar by the way. Either he knows exactly what he is doing or he doesn’t. What does that say about the man currently holding the highest office in this land? I would argue he does know, hence the vile nature of his deeds and the severity of the crimes.

What punishment is appropriate for those who are found guilty of treason? Is willfully violating the Constitution from the Office of the President of the United States any less than treason? Using the most powerful executive office in the country to willfully violate the Constitution is, by definition, treason. Barack Obama overtly and willingly violates the Constitution continually yet our legislative and judicial branches stand impotent and silent. The three branches, the checks and balances, have been thrown out the window. Our Government has been corrupted and turned on its ear with no checks, no balances, and with apparent impunity. There must eventually be some sort of harsh, immutable punishment for those, including our revered President, who willfully turn their backs on and willfully subvert our Constitution.

What punishment fits the crime? Why are the subjects of the laws of this country subjected to severe punishment for violating laws that are by definition, subordinate to the Constitution, while a President, occupying the highest office in the land routinely, capriciously, arbitrarily and glibly violates the highest laws governing the country with impunity? The President of the United States of America has pissed on the foundation of this great country yet he apparently is not subject to any consequence. I care for the Office as it is held by somebody who must be able, preferably through words, cause any despot to give pause. The problem lies in a Commander who threatens but never, ever dares to follow through when his words are not just wholly ignored but uttered to those who chuckle at his weakness.

Barack Obama is a treasonous felon beyond definition. Obama has ruled over more death and destruction, more instability and the utter dismantling of a country and the economy and yet he suffers nothing. I would argue his penalty, the appropriate penalty, should shock any future occupant of the office to a degree that would strike fear, guttural fear, into the heart of any fool who espouses to occupy this great office and then violate his or her oath.

His responsibility was simple: Uphold and defend the Constitution. He chose instead to thwart it at every possible juncture. He chose to willfully violate it and ignore it. If it were you or me, we would be subject to a fatal drone strike or indefinite incarceration at Guantanamo Bay. Instead, he is granted favor, innumerable wealth, protection at our expense, and is elevated to the level of all who preceded and will succeed him. He has diminished the office and the view of the Office of the President of the United States will forever be diminished by his willful actions and his utter lack of action when action was required.

When handing down a sentence a judge considers a number of things, not the least of which is deterrence. In other words, a judge when sentencing an offender he or she hands down a sentence severe enough to strike fear into any potential, future perpetrators. A judge must also consider whether the perpetrator of a given crime has expressed any remorse before, during or after the crime. I would argue Barack Obama has not only been utterly remorseless, he is dismissive of those who are trying to hold him accountable and uses the power of his administration to willfully and wholly intimidate law abiding Americans who oppose him.

What sentence fits the crime? He should be forced to return every penny earned as a result of his political tenure, deliver an apology, live on television, without Teleprompters and be forced before Congress to give full and truthful testimony regarding his actions. Once his testimony has been completed he should be subjected to a Military Tribunal based on his testimony. The damage he has wrought should be fully framed before that Tribunal. Among the charges should be the willful murder of an American abroad by Drone strike with no due process. If it is found he approved the order to make the strike, the appropriate sentence for premeditated murder should be imposed.

He is the Commander in Chief after all. Should he not be subjected to Military Justice and jurisprudence? Why is he not at least facing impeachment and removal from office? Considering his actions in Benghazi, he should be also tried for negligent homicide and Hillary Clinton, his co-defendant. When did we enter the era of turning a blind eye on overt violations of law by our Commander in Chief and his administration? He has certainly taken a shotgun approach to his many and willful violations of our laws. He has violated his oath and the Constitution so many times it not only shocks the conscience, it leaves us bewildered regarding which violations are the most serious and how to effectively put a stop to it.

The precedent is being set for all future Presidents. Teflon Bam (as in Obama) should not be allowed to have these and other charges simply not stick. I’m not suggesting a show trial circus here. I am suggesting an appropriate trio from different branches of the highest ranking Military Officers and a jury made up of similarly ranking Officers.

If found guilty, I don’t believe his sentence would ever be fully executed. The humiliation of a trial and the issuance of sentence should be the absolute minimum this man faces. He should be required to go through the intake process every other convicted felon goes through including a full pre-sentence investigation by an investigator with the highest clearance in the land so nothing need be redacted. He should be jailed while awaiting sentencing just as any other criminal would be if charged with similar serious crimes.

The World already knows the crimes of Barack Obama. Every person in the United States has a similar right to know. Once he has completed the due process, I am certain any sitting President would, at a minimum, commute the sentence and likely grant pardon. So be it. We the People have a right to know how much of what he has done is illegal and despicable, exactly what hand he and others played in it and we deserve nothing less than to have justice. Would we be subjected to any less?

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