Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tea Anyone?

On April 15, 2010, in hundreds of places all around the United States, Americans, Patriots and regular folks will gather in unity to try to get their government to listen to them. This government has had blinders and ear muffs on since the last election and has displayed a level of arrogance never before seen by Americans. Where will you be on April 15th?

While the Country has likely never been this divided, on another level, it has never been more galvanized and united in anger and frustration against their government. Polls indicate the Tea Party movement is appealing to those from all walks of life and from every political background save the extreme left. The uniting force behind this movement is the dramatic and aggressive sprint to the extreme left by our current elected body politic. Those in office took their election and majorities as a mandate that we wanted bigger government, more spending, reckless intrusion and dramatically increased government spending and waste. In-fact, had any of them been paying attention, they would have realized the last election was a referendum against big government and reckless spending. George W. Bush won two terms because all of America wanted the growth of government to slow and the alternatives at each victory was a big government liberal. Barack, conversely, ran a deceptive platform of fiscal moderation, ideological moderation. However, if anyone had taken ten minutes out of their busy day to research the real Barack Obama, they would have realized he was the most liberal, radical Senator in America. Now the Tea Partiers are the manifestation of resistance to his destructive and radical agenda.

The whole message of hope and "change" had a discernible undertone. That undertone was one of disdain for the institutions of America and the values we have abided to make this the greatest, most free, powerful nation on Earth. He repeatedly stated he wanted to "change America". I for one found that message not only disturbing but disgusting. Barack Hussein Obama truly wants to change this country and create one that is more like the European socialist nations. One has to ask why Barack Obama hates this country and the institutions that make it great. What is the motivation for his hatred of America? America is, by his definition, and unfair nation. We have people who live in America who have achieved great wealth, huge estates, created powerful companies and innovations and there are those who on the other end of the spectrum, are poor, homeless, unhealthy, living lives that held to any objective measure, appear hopeless.

Hope and change...does the greatest nation on Earth create more hope by creating bloated federal programs that propagate a culture of dependence? Will the change to a socialistic economy promote growth and prosperity? In Barack's mind, we, the unwashed masses are worthy of scorn, pity, derision and require a great man like him to lead and care for us. The arrogance to leap to that level of self aggrandizement is nothing short of narcissistic. Barack Obama is the most narcissistic, ego-maniacal putz to ever step foot in the White House. All we can do is hope the change comes quickly to that post and those who oppose his views are elected to comfortable majorities in the House and Senate in November. Only then can we stem the hemorrhaging in D.C. and increase that majority in 2012 and replace the current occupant in the White House with a person who reveres this Country and will undo the damage done...somebody who will embrace our history, institutions, and restore this Country to greatness. Until then, the Tea Party movement will hopefully continue to brow beat and remind our elected representatives who is truly in charge of this Country, Us. Please make your voice heard and attend a Tea Party near you. God Bless America.

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