As we contemplate the upcoming mid-term elections, we need to consider a few things. As we recklessly bandy about who will run for what and what the consequence will be, we need to be acutely aware of the long term ramifications. Short term, if we don't elect those with the stomach for repealing Obamacare, the long term is already lost.
If those we elect to office this year and inaugurate next, fail to definitively, decisively and fully repeal Obamacare, the Country is lost. Our future is already compromised by the damage done by Barack Obama. His foreign and domestic policies have been abject failures and have cost America more than we will ever be able to quantify in this lifetime. History will not be a favor to Barack and his failures but we must have the fortitude to start undoing the damage as quickly as possible or we may never be able to.
Domestic policy failures will take years to repair but we can recover. Foreign policy blunders have damaged American credibility abroad to such a degree, we will take three Ronald Reagans to recover. Ronald Reagan asked Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" and Barack Obama has fully rebuilt it.
Granted, Russia is still just Russia. The Soviet Union, thankfully no longer exists but the Russian bear has been reawakened and we will need a good swift blow of a baseball bat to settle the bastard back into his den. Barack Obama has never known the rigors of having a backbone and will never learn. He is simply too stupid, incompetent and anti-American to comprehend the damage he has done. He will eventually be removed from office, whether it is by impeachment or expiration of his term, he will, mercifully, have to leave the White House. When that day arrives, we will be upon the day of reckoning for America. The question for his successor: Do we want peace through strength or do we want instability through weakness?
Barack's failed socialist experiment will be a mere bump in the road if we elect his successor knowing full well that we determine the fate of this grand experiment. If we elect another who prays to shadow his failures, we get to say, "I remember when". If we elect one with the strength to restore American greatness and exceptionalism, we will return to our former glory very quickly. The mere hope that we are headed back in the right direction will cause a correction. The wrong choice and we are doomed to a socialist void we may never recover from. It truly is time for America and Americans to wake the hell up and understand. That one generation is upon us. We must prevail or all is lost and America the Beautiful will turn into the United Socialist States of North America. God Bless America and please, bitch slap her voters.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
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