Folks...seriously it is time to pull our collectives heads out of our backsides and decide if we desire the fascist utopia of Barack Hussien Obama and Michelle "I know everything better than you do" Obama. These two people are the most destructive presence this country has ever had and if allowed to continue for another four years, they will debase and destroy everything good we know as the American Dream.
I cannot help question how the collective IQ in America has sunk so low. I am seeing "Obama 2012" stickers on cars. Who are these people? What are they smoking and where can I get some? The lunacy of anyone who would willingly submit to four more years of this buffoon is stunning. He has created a power vacuum in the Middle East we will undoubtedly deal with for a hundred years, managed to destroy our credibility with all hostile regimes and gutted our economy. He has succeeded in pushing an unconstitutional health care bill nobody can fully understand and for some unknown reason, the Supreme Court has lost it's collective minds.
It seems stupidity is contagious and for me to postulate as to the reasons seems pretentious and presumptuous. So, let me pretend and presume; the American psyche has been destroyed, the "Dream" reduced to "hope" and the future subject only to "change". Great job!
In one fell swoop, we elected an America hating scumbag, his pretentious and elitist wife, a certifiable kook as Vice President of the formerly most powerful nation on Earth and we scratch our heads and wonder why we are still in a recession and getting our asses kicked in Afghanistan.
Iraq was ours to lose...he lost it. Afghanistan was ours to lose...we're losing. Russia had been relegated to third world status and now they are pushing us around like a 40 pound weakling on the playground. China owns more of America than Americans do and we are piling on debt like its a good thing. What will it take to wake the sleeping masses? I have regular, albeit, mostly written, conversations with liberals who seem hell bent on keeping this thug in office. They cannot see the fascism of his belief system. When I point it out, they simply back-peddle to their hateful rhetoric and predictable talking points.
America is at a cross roads. I tire of those who say "this is the most critical election of our time" but this one, it really is. We are at the brink of destroying the greatest free nation in the history of Mankind and the juncture lies in the hands of the American electorate. Wake the hell up people. It is do or die time!
Mitt Romney is certainly not my first choice for President of the United States of America and I know we have better leaders in our quiver. Why they never rise to the top is beyond me. That said, I will take Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama all week long. Mitt has at least demonstrated the ability to be successful in the private sector and held executive level positions unlike the current loon in the Oval Office. God save America. Please, for your own sake, pay attention, study up, listen, observe with a discerning eye and an objective view. Barack Obama must go. He simply must not be given another term or the America we know will be reduced to a hope for change back to what it once was.
God Bless America!
Monday, August 27, 2012
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