Islam is being propagated at a fury pace across the World and especially in America. Muslims are using our Constitution against us by infiltrating the US under the guise of religious freedom. Just as the Catholic religion burned heretics at the stake for perceived or ginned up heresy, Islam allows raped women to be stoned for adultery, maybe the Catholics should have been more stalwart and prudent in their use of horror and terror. The Muslim "religion" promotes and fights aggressively for sharia law. This system of "law" subjugates women to chattel and is fundamentally, a government subscribed to by at least a billion people around this planet.
Is Islam a religion or is it a border-less government seeking to infiltrate unassuming countries with laws that protect freedom of religion under the guise that it is, in-fact, a religion? The assertion that Islam is anything less than a hostile government involved in espionage, insurgency, infiltration, subversion, and hostile actions is a notion propagated by the left wing scum who wish only to denigrate and destroy this great nation at any cost and through any means, even if it means their own annihilation...sound familiar? The 72 virgins waiting for the Muslim martyrs must also be appealing to the leftists within our own borders who are determined to legitimize Islam as a religion rather than expose it as a fabrication of a nut and promoted by those whose sole desire is to exterminate America and all freedom loving people.
I beg for any person who promotes the notion that Islam is a "peaceful religion" to demonstrate to the World that there is any Islamic dominated or ruled country that is not inherently oppressive to women, anti personal liberty and utterly dictatorial! Further, I beg for anyone to illustrate the picture of a "moderate" Muslim. They simply do not exist and are a fabrication of the left in their relentless pursuit of tyranny and the destruction of Capitalism, through whatever means...again, even if it means their own destruction.
Consider this...destruction is destruction. Creation is creation. Simple concepts...right? The vast majority of the human population would rather create than destroy, would rather build than tear down, would rather love than hate, would rather spend a day on the beach in swim trunks or a bikini than wear a big rag on their heads or a I wrong? So what sets the Muslims apart from the rest of us? Answer that question and you know who is guided and who are lost.
There is no salvation in the Muslim government, there is no freedom in Islam and those who follow that government will only experience the destruction of their physical bodies and the corruption of their souls. I pray for peace, but embrace those who confront destroyers, I pray for unity but bless those who stand stalwart in protection of freedom against all enemies including the Islamic regime trying to infiltrate and dominate or destroy that which they don't dominate in every corner of this planet. I place my life in front of the Islamic regime tearing our own country apart with their willing accomplices on the left who swear by religious freedom in the face of an onslaught of tyranny and wholesale ignorance of Americans.
Ultimately though, America will prevail and Islam will not. Why? Tyranny never has... our spirit always prevails and to my enemies in the Muslim tyranny, I beg of you to become an ally in freedom. Throw down your burka, for it enslaves you and slavery is not living...lay your life before your enemy. Throw down your sharia laws and fight with your lives for freedom. This is your charge and if you fail to heed it, you turn your back on your own humanity and are destined to lose it as have so many of your brethren. The ability...willingness...zeal to destroy another person's life by beheading them, stoning them, hanging them for some perceived offense to an imaginary deity is evidence enough of a total loss of humanity. This zeal is ultimately a separation from humanity...please ponder that from the perspective of a God that is omnipresent, omniscient, ominpotent and you quickly come to realize, the utter bankruptcy of such an ideology. So humanity is not important but spirituality is you retort! And a spiritual being capable of infinite love, creation and forgiving would condone such hatred and viciousness? Anyone who believes this is not only a fool but a numb-skull and hypocrite. Go in peace my friends.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Election "Judge"
Minnesota is quickly becoming the poster child for election fraud. New videos have been posted regarding election fraud in Minnesota where the last Senate election between moderate Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and challenger, comedian, Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party (the Minnesota Democrat party) and political leftist hack, was decided by 312 votes.
Minnesota has already become the butt of so many jokes when it comes to elections. In Minnesota, anyone can vote, quite literally. If you show up in Minnesota on election day, it matters not where you live or even if you live in Minnesota. Any person in Minnesota can "vouch" for you. Each person voting can "vouch" for as many as 15 people in every precinct, over and over again. You need not register prior to election day to vote in Minnesota in any election as you can show up at the poll with somebody who "knows you" and your ballot counts the same as a legitimate one.
What is most despicable and disgusting is the head of elections in Minnesota, Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie supports and, in-fact, advocates for the status quo. Mark Ritchie benefits from fraud and is unwilling to take on the system that put him into office and the system he is now in charge of.
How did Minnesota and so many other corrupt states end up here? Ignorance, apathy, stupidity, manipulation and domination by the ruling class. Until the folks in Minnesota and similarly governed Marxist states understand how devious, evil, fraudulent and thuggish the Democrat and in Minnesota, the DFL party are, they are destined, damned and deserving of their fate.
Minnesota has already become the butt of so many jokes when it comes to elections. In Minnesota, anyone can vote, quite literally. If you show up in Minnesota on election day, it matters not where you live or even if you live in Minnesota. Any person in Minnesota can "vouch" for you. Each person voting can "vouch" for as many as 15 people in every precinct, over and over again. You need not register prior to election day to vote in Minnesota in any election as you can show up at the poll with somebody who "knows you" and your ballot counts the same as a legitimate one.
What is most despicable and disgusting is the head of elections in Minnesota, Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie supports and, in-fact, advocates for the status quo. Mark Ritchie benefits from fraud and is unwilling to take on the system that put him into office and the system he is now in charge of.
How did Minnesota and so many other corrupt states end up here? Ignorance, apathy, stupidity, manipulation and domination by the ruling class. Until the folks in Minnesota and similarly governed Marxist states understand how devious, evil, fraudulent and thuggish the Democrat and in Minnesota, the DFL party are, they are destined, damned and deserving of their fate.
Election Integrity?
Well, another election cycle is, for all intents and purposes, in the tank. Save an 11th hour miracle by the Democrat Party, massive voter fraud (which we can count on) or a Constitutional Crisis manufactured by the Bam, Congress will take on a very different complexion.
States will adopt new assemblies, legislatures, Governorships and a shift in representation in Congress. The many races will be defined, unfortunately, by the ability of the populace to instill the fear of God into those who are willing to participate in fraud. The final outcome will also hinge largely on which side of the aisle has motivated the base and attracted so-called, independents.
The only remaining problem is, in this most politically charged and crucial election season, we still have the political correctness factor that demands election laxity to prevent anyone from being disenfranchised...even if that means allowing the old adage of "vote early, vote often" to come to fruition hundreds of thousands of times across the nation. Will there be enough criminals out there, willing to risk time behind bars to sway races away from the true victor? The answer to this question rests with every American.
Ask yourself the following question: Are you so driven by your political dogma that you are willing to sell your integrity to your chosen candidate? Integrity is the basis of honor and the only true measure of a person. If you are willing to sell yourself out to the lowest or even highest bidder, what is your true worth? Ponder that and ponder something more immediate and tangible. The folks who believe integrity is paramount are out in full force and will see to it that any scoundrel who chooses to commit voter fraud is not only detected but prosecuted and jailed.
States will adopt new assemblies, legislatures, Governorships and a shift in representation in Congress. The many races will be defined, unfortunately, by the ability of the populace to instill the fear of God into those who are willing to participate in fraud. The final outcome will also hinge largely on which side of the aisle has motivated the base and attracted so-called, independents.
The only remaining problem is, in this most politically charged and crucial election season, we still have the political correctness factor that demands election laxity to prevent anyone from being disenfranchised...even if that means allowing the old adage of "vote early, vote often" to come to fruition hundreds of thousands of times across the nation. Will there be enough criminals out there, willing to risk time behind bars to sway races away from the true victor? The answer to this question rests with every American.
Ask yourself the following question: Are you so driven by your political dogma that you are willing to sell your integrity to your chosen candidate? Integrity is the basis of honor and the only true measure of a person. If you are willing to sell yourself out to the lowest or even highest bidder, what is your true worth? Ponder that and ponder something more immediate and tangible. The folks who believe integrity is paramount are out in full force and will see to it that any scoundrel who chooses to commit voter fraud is not only detected but prosecuted and jailed.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Brave New World
In the calamitous times we live, the "end of the recession" would seem a good thing. The problem with the theory, economic growth equals the end of the recession, is the only growth has been in the public sector.
For the sake of reality, we have to agree on one thing, trillions pumped artificially into an economy will result in growth, at least short term. The problem is, this is artificial money. The money pumped into the economy by the Obama administration does not exist. By that I mean, it is money that has no value other than the paper it is printed on and the debts that now exist to prop it up. Billions in highway projects funded by the "American Reinvestment Act" or in other words, funded by Americans, will have some demonstrable economic impact, however artificial and temporary. Simply the fuel purchased by the contractors will create some growth.
On the other side of this fiasco of Keynesian economics it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the wholesale sellout of the American economy to Chinese prospectors will eventually bear the negative fruit of obligation. Just as when you refinance your home to prop up your business, you turn your back on the real problem...the business cannot support itself. Trust me, I know. There will eventually be a backlash from all the money that was printed, borrowed or simply guaranteed by the "government". Government spending is nothing more than taxpayer money spent by proxy. Either the taxpayer will have to pay it back, resulting in economic contraction, or there will be explosive inflation having the same net effect, a degrading of the value of a dollar.
What Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy-fly me everywhere all the time-Pelosi, and Harry-I have a pot to piss in so there simply isn't a problem-Reid don't understand is common sense to the rest of us; you cannot spend money you don't have. Is there a silver lining? Well like anything bad, there always is and this time around it is an awakening of the American conservative. Nothing will motivate people to pull their heads from dark, tight places, like government officials intruding on their freedoms and their pocketbooks with delight. The next election will be a referendum on big government and the poll question going in is: Do you approve of Barry and his band of thieves? To this, America will deliver a bold, capitalized, italicized, NO!
For the sake of reality, we have to agree on one thing, trillions pumped artificially into an economy will result in growth, at least short term. The problem is, this is artificial money. The money pumped into the economy by the Obama administration does not exist. By that I mean, it is money that has no value other than the paper it is printed on and the debts that now exist to prop it up. Billions in highway projects funded by the "American Reinvestment Act" or in other words, funded by Americans, will have some demonstrable economic impact, however artificial and temporary. Simply the fuel purchased by the contractors will create some growth.
On the other side of this fiasco of Keynesian economics it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the wholesale sellout of the American economy to Chinese prospectors will eventually bear the negative fruit of obligation. Just as when you refinance your home to prop up your business, you turn your back on the real problem...the business cannot support itself. Trust me, I know. There will eventually be a backlash from all the money that was printed, borrowed or simply guaranteed by the "government". Government spending is nothing more than taxpayer money spent by proxy. Either the taxpayer will have to pay it back, resulting in economic contraction, or there will be explosive inflation having the same net effect, a degrading of the value of a dollar.
What Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy-fly me everywhere all the time-Pelosi, and Harry-I have a pot to piss in so there simply isn't a problem-Reid don't understand is common sense to the rest of us; you cannot spend money you don't have. Is there a silver lining? Well like anything bad, there always is and this time around it is an awakening of the American conservative. Nothing will motivate people to pull their heads from dark, tight places, like government officials intruding on their freedoms and their pocketbooks with delight. The next election will be a referendum on big government and the poll question going in is: Do you approve of Barry and his band of thieves? To this, America will deliver a bold, capitalized, italicized, NO!
Monday, September 20, 2010
The "League" vs. Minnesota Voters Alliance
The Minnesota Voters Alliance, a small election integrity oriented group, announces they have filed a complaint with the IRS against the League of Women Voters. The complaint and all the information they used to compile it is posted on their website at The complaint alleges "the League" has used a confusing array of branding to ultimately gain favor with donors and create sufficient confusion that donors may be writing off donations that are, in-fact, not tax deductible.
The Minnesota Voters Alliance makes a compelling case against the venerable group known to most only as "The League of Women Voters". A little digging reveals a complex and confusing group with many affiliates, local "chapters" and a seemingly endless trail of confusing branding, IRS filings and blurred borders between their education "fund", a 501 (c) (3) and their lobbying arm, a 501(c)(4).
What is even more interesting is how the group shares and co-mingles funds, offices, membership, leadership, staff, branding and makes little if any effort to distinguish between the two separate entities both at the local and National levels.
By all appearances, this David (the Minnesota Voters Alliance) has their Goliath ("the League") on the ropes and getting ready to put them down for the count. It seems the Goliath in this instance has crossed a number of legal borders in their relentless pursuit of left wing goals, never considering they might be challenged at some point. The Minnesota Voters Alliance obviously has some brilliant and tenacious, if not brave, minds working behind the scenes. The League of Women Voters paints a picture of being beyond reproach and the consummate pillar of integrity, when in-fact, they are merely another shill for the Democrat party.
What is interesting is the "League" as they commonly refer to themselves, appear to be vulnerable to the IRS and if the IRS takes action on MVA's complaint, may be vulnerable to loss of their tax exempt status. The IRS takes a dim view of any organization that conducts lobbying under the flag of a tax deductible group. Even if the "League" can demonstrate their use of tax-deductible donations for educational activities, they will be hard pressed to explain what appears to be deliberately confusing in their branding. The only distinction between the tax deductible organization and the non-tax deductible organization is the last two words of the names of the respective organizations. The Tax deductible funds go to "The league of Women Voters Education Fund" and the non-tax deductible dollars ostensibly go to "The League of Women Voters US". Confused? Well I think nearly anyone trying to distinguish between the two groups would be and therein lies the problem.
The IRS demands there be no confusion when an individual is preparing a tax return between those donations that are tax deductible and those that aren't. A person would have to be intimately familiar with the inner operations and organization of the "League" to understand which group is which and which donations go where. How many of you are forensic accountants? Good luck sorting this one out and kudos to the Minnesota Voters Alliance for taking the time to do it.
The Minnesota Voters Alliance makes a compelling case against the venerable group known to most only as "The League of Women Voters". A little digging reveals a complex and confusing group with many affiliates, local "chapters" and a seemingly endless trail of confusing branding, IRS filings and blurred borders between their education "fund", a 501 (c) (3) and their lobbying arm, a 501(c)(4).
What is even more interesting is how the group shares and co-mingles funds, offices, membership, leadership, staff, branding and makes little if any effort to distinguish between the two separate entities both at the local and National levels.
By all appearances, this David (the Minnesota Voters Alliance) has their Goliath ("the League") on the ropes and getting ready to put them down for the count. It seems the Goliath in this instance has crossed a number of legal borders in their relentless pursuit of left wing goals, never considering they might be challenged at some point. The Minnesota Voters Alliance obviously has some brilliant and tenacious, if not brave, minds working behind the scenes. The League of Women Voters paints a picture of being beyond reproach and the consummate pillar of integrity, when in-fact, they are merely another shill for the Democrat party.
What is interesting is the "League" as they commonly refer to themselves, appear to be vulnerable to the IRS and if the IRS takes action on MVA's complaint, may be vulnerable to loss of their tax exempt status. The IRS takes a dim view of any organization that conducts lobbying under the flag of a tax deductible group. Even if the "League" can demonstrate their use of tax-deductible donations for educational activities, they will be hard pressed to explain what appears to be deliberately confusing in their branding. The only distinction between the tax deductible organization and the non-tax deductible organization is the last two words of the names of the respective organizations. The Tax deductible funds go to "The league of Women Voters Education Fund" and the non-tax deductible dollars ostensibly go to "The League of Women Voters US". Confused? Well I think nearly anyone trying to distinguish between the two groups would be and therein lies the problem.
The IRS demands there be no confusion when an individual is preparing a tax return between those donations that are tax deductible and those that aren't. A person would have to be intimately familiar with the inner operations and organization of the "League" to understand which group is which and which donations go where. How many of you are forensic accountants? Good luck sorting this one out and kudos to the Minnesota Voters Alliance for taking the time to do it.
Friday, May 28, 2010
To any objective observer, the oil spill in the Gulf is nothing short of a tragedy. Conversely, to any objective observer, one must begin to discern between tragedy, political theater, foot dragging, deliberate deception, true efforts to mitigate disaster and finally, wholesale incompetence. The Obama administration claims to be "in charge" of the efforts to stem the flow from the wrecked platform, while BP is, in-fact, the only entity with the technology and infrastructure capable of actually stopping the leak.
A gross miscalculation by the Obama administration had the President himself standing before America, attempting to make sense of the non-sense that has occurred within his administration since the inception of this disaster. The only thing one comes away from this latest, and long overdue, press conference, is the utter incompetence of this administration and, being at the top of it, the President himself.
Why is it there were not Army Corps of Engineers representatives on-site within 24 hours of the initial reports of a blowout at a major offshore oil rig? Why, in the words of Rahm Emanuel, is this administration not afraid to make the most of this disaster? Are the actions of this administration consistent with that of those who truly want to limit and mitigate this oil spill? The cynical and abhorrently incompetent response to this disaster is simply more evidence of the unquenchable thirst for power of those who currently have it. Is mine a controversial position? Perhaps but, sometimes somebody has to say what we are all thinking.
The unfortunate reality of this situation is we may never know the machinations that took place within the Obama administration immediately following their awareness of what had transpired in the Gulf. What we do know is, an oil drilling platform blew up, the response by the President and his administration has been, for all intents and purposes, slow and negligible. The most current photo ops by President Obama, showing him uncomfortably and awkwardly walking on an ostensibly polluted beach speak only to the vapid response to what is developing into an unprecedented environmental disaster. The most disturbing thing about this disaster is how little energy and attention has been paid. It has taken collective outrage on a scale heretofore not seen on American soil to get this administration to wake from its slumber, and yet, they still do nothing but posture, conduct political fundraisers and vacation.
Has there ever been a time we as Americans have been more divided, yet on a guttural level, united? The one salvation this administration may bring to this nation is an uneasy unity, the unity to realize we are in this together and no matter what your philosophy, no matter your political dogma, party affiliation or loyalty, we are, on some level united. That unity will bear out in the end in a defense of our Constitution and regardless temporary circumstance, we, as Americans united, will prevail against all comers, internal or otherwise. The strength of the American character will stand fast and we shall overcome.
A gross miscalculation by the Obama administration had the President himself standing before America, attempting to make sense of the non-sense that has occurred within his administration since the inception of this disaster. The only thing one comes away from this latest, and long overdue, press conference, is the utter incompetence of this administration and, being at the top of it, the President himself.
Why is it there were not Army Corps of Engineers representatives on-site within 24 hours of the initial reports of a blowout at a major offshore oil rig? Why, in the words of Rahm Emanuel, is this administration not afraid to make the most of this disaster? Are the actions of this administration consistent with that of those who truly want to limit and mitigate this oil spill? The cynical and abhorrently incompetent response to this disaster is simply more evidence of the unquenchable thirst for power of those who currently have it. Is mine a controversial position? Perhaps but, sometimes somebody has to say what we are all thinking.
The unfortunate reality of this situation is we may never know the machinations that took place within the Obama administration immediately following their awareness of what had transpired in the Gulf. What we do know is, an oil drilling platform blew up, the response by the President and his administration has been, for all intents and purposes, slow and negligible. The most current photo ops by President Obama, showing him uncomfortably and awkwardly walking on an ostensibly polluted beach speak only to the vapid response to what is developing into an unprecedented environmental disaster. The most disturbing thing about this disaster is how little energy and attention has been paid. It has taken collective outrage on a scale heretofore not seen on American soil to get this administration to wake from its slumber, and yet, they still do nothing but posture, conduct political fundraisers and vacation.
Has there ever been a time we as Americans have been more divided, yet on a guttural level, united? The one salvation this administration may bring to this nation is an uneasy unity, the unity to realize we are in this together and no matter what your philosophy, no matter your political dogma, party affiliation or loyalty, we are, on some level united. That unity will bear out in the end in a defense of our Constitution and regardless temporary circumstance, we, as Americans united, will prevail against all comers, internal or otherwise. The strength of the American character will stand fast and we shall overcome.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tea Anyone?
On April 15, 2010, in hundreds of places all around the United States, Americans, Patriots and regular folks will gather in unity to try to get their government to listen to them. This government has had blinders and ear muffs on since the last election and has displayed a level of arrogance never before seen by Americans. Where will you be on April 15th?
While the Country has likely never been this divided, on another level, it has never been more galvanized and united in anger and frustration against their government. Polls indicate the Tea Party movement is appealing to those from all walks of life and from every political background save the extreme left. The uniting force behind this movement is the dramatic and aggressive sprint to the extreme left by our current elected body politic. Those in office took their election and majorities as a mandate that we wanted bigger government, more spending, reckless intrusion and dramatically increased government spending and waste. In-fact, had any of them been paying attention, they would have realized the last election was a referendum against big government and reckless spending. George W. Bush won two terms because all of America wanted the growth of government to slow and the alternatives at each victory was a big government liberal. Barack, conversely, ran a deceptive platform of fiscal moderation, ideological moderation. However, if anyone had taken ten minutes out of their busy day to research the real Barack Obama, they would have realized he was the most liberal, radical Senator in America. Now the Tea Partiers are the manifestation of resistance to his destructive and radical agenda.
The whole message of hope and "change" had a discernible undertone. That undertone was one of disdain for the institutions of America and the values we have abided to make this the greatest, most free, powerful nation on Earth. He repeatedly stated he wanted to "change America". I for one found that message not only disturbing but disgusting. Barack Hussein Obama truly wants to change this country and create one that is more like the European socialist nations. One has to ask why Barack Obama hates this country and the institutions that make it great. What is the motivation for his hatred of America? America is, by his definition, and unfair nation. We have people who live in America who have achieved great wealth, huge estates, created powerful companies and innovations and there are those who on the other end of the spectrum, are poor, homeless, unhealthy, living lives that held to any objective measure, appear hopeless.
Hope and change...does the greatest nation on Earth create more hope by creating bloated federal programs that propagate a culture of dependence? Will the change to a socialistic economy promote growth and prosperity? In Barack's mind, we, the unwashed masses are worthy of scorn, pity, derision and require a great man like him to lead and care for us. The arrogance to leap to that level of self aggrandizement is nothing short of narcissistic. Barack Obama is the most narcissistic, ego-maniacal putz to ever step foot in the White House. All we can do is hope the change comes quickly to that post and those who oppose his views are elected to comfortable majorities in the House and Senate in November. Only then can we stem the hemorrhaging in D.C. and increase that majority in 2012 and replace the current occupant in the White House with a person who reveres this Country and will undo the damage done...somebody who will embrace our history, institutions, and restore this Country to greatness. Until then, the Tea Party movement will hopefully continue to brow beat and remind our elected representatives who is truly in charge of this Country, Us. Please make your voice heard and attend a Tea Party near you. God Bless America.
While the Country has likely never been this divided, on another level, it has never been more galvanized and united in anger and frustration against their government. Polls indicate the Tea Party movement is appealing to those from all walks of life and from every political background save the extreme left. The uniting force behind this movement is the dramatic and aggressive sprint to the extreme left by our current elected body politic. Those in office took their election and majorities as a mandate that we wanted bigger government, more spending, reckless intrusion and dramatically increased government spending and waste. In-fact, had any of them been paying attention, they would have realized the last election was a referendum against big government and reckless spending. George W. Bush won two terms because all of America wanted the growth of government to slow and the alternatives at each victory was a big government liberal. Barack, conversely, ran a deceptive platform of fiscal moderation, ideological moderation. However, if anyone had taken ten minutes out of their busy day to research the real Barack Obama, they would have realized he was the most liberal, radical Senator in America. Now the Tea Partiers are the manifestation of resistance to his destructive and radical agenda.
The whole message of hope and "change" had a discernible undertone. That undertone was one of disdain for the institutions of America and the values we have abided to make this the greatest, most free, powerful nation on Earth. He repeatedly stated he wanted to "change America". I for one found that message not only disturbing but disgusting. Barack Hussein Obama truly wants to change this country and create one that is more like the European socialist nations. One has to ask why Barack Obama hates this country and the institutions that make it great. What is the motivation for his hatred of America? America is, by his definition, and unfair nation. We have people who live in America who have achieved great wealth, huge estates, created powerful companies and innovations and there are those who on the other end of the spectrum, are poor, homeless, unhealthy, living lives that held to any objective measure, appear hopeless.
Hope and change...does the greatest nation on Earth create more hope by creating bloated federal programs that propagate a culture of dependence? Will the change to a socialistic economy promote growth and prosperity? In Barack's mind, we, the unwashed masses are worthy of scorn, pity, derision and require a great man like him to lead and care for us. The arrogance to leap to that level of self aggrandizement is nothing short of narcissistic. Barack Obama is the most narcissistic, ego-maniacal putz to ever step foot in the White House. All we can do is hope the change comes quickly to that post and those who oppose his views are elected to comfortable majorities in the House and Senate in November. Only then can we stem the hemorrhaging in D.C. and increase that majority in 2012 and replace the current occupant in the White House with a person who reveres this Country and will undo the damage done...somebody who will embrace our history, institutions, and restore this Country to greatness. Until then, the Tea Party movement will hopefully continue to brow beat and remind our elected representatives who is truly in charge of this Country, Us. Please make your voice heard and attend a Tea Party near you. God Bless America.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Health Care?
Well they did it! The Democrats passed a Health Care bill that by any objective measure is unconstitutional, a giant leap toward the wholesale destruction of our capitalist, market economy and the biggest abuse of power in this nation's history. All the bribes, arm twisting, corruption, extortion and back room deals aside, the American public is overwhelmingly against this bill. The process used to draft and pass this bill can be described many ways but all will agree the "process" was a repugnant disregard for the rules of decency and integrity.
The American public deserves better. So many patriots have fought and died to protect our Constitution, yet the Democrats in Congress see fit every time they consider new legislation, to urinate all over it. They desecrate the memory of those who have stood against all enemies and paid the ultimate price. The Democrats have demonstrated their hatred for the American dream, the American voter and the ideals this country was founded upon.
Some have suggested civil disobedience and some even violence against the cries of those who say calm is needed. Calm? At a time when the last beacon of freedom is being suppressed and the fires of freedom fading under the constant barrage by "progressives", the last thing we need is to simply remain calm. The populace is angry, discontent, and energized as much as they have been in my life time. This energy must be directed and civil disobedience would be a good outlet since no other means employing logic has worked against the tyrants we loosely call "Democrats".
What can we do that represents civil disobedience without inciting violence? We need to continue to jam the phone lines in Washington and the local offices of our elected representatives. We need to jam the mail trucks with letters and the halls of the capitals with people. The buildings, vehicles and grounds are not those of our government, they belong to the people. The people must not shy away from reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. We have the second amendment right to keep and bear arms to ensure we never succumb to tyranny. When do we exercise that right? Well, I truly hope that time never arrives but it feels uncomfortably close at hand.
Our government needs to be sent a message that will cause them great and certain fear, for the moment our government no longer fears us is the moment we slip inextricably toward tyranny. Our founding fathers would be utterly repulsed and disgusted by the shameless and arrogant display of power by the Democrat party. More importantly, however, they would be disgusted by the lack of assertive action by the populace to stop the tyrants in their tracks. This message is for those in Washington at our behest: You have gone too far, now step away from the Constitution and nobody gets hurt...
I just pray we have the fortitude, memory and resolve to throw these relentless bastards out of the halls of our government now and forever. I also hope we have the resolve as a nation to elect those with the will and ability to undo the damage done and prosecute those who have willfully thrown our Constitution aside in their relentless effort to destroy this nation. This legislation is willfully unconstitutional, placing every representative who voted for it in violation of their oath and in violation of the trust of a nation. God help them all and God Bless America!
The American public deserves better. So many patriots have fought and died to protect our Constitution, yet the Democrats in Congress see fit every time they consider new legislation, to urinate all over it. They desecrate the memory of those who have stood against all enemies and paid the ultimate price. The Democrats have demonstrated their hatred for the American dream, the American voter and the ideals this country was founded upon.
Some have suggested civil disobedience and some even violence against the cries of those who say calm is needed. Calm? At a time when the last beacon of freedom is being suppressed and the fires of freedom fading under the constant barrage by "progressives", the last thing we need is to simply remain calm. The populace is angry, discontent, and energized as much as they have been in my life time. This energy must be directed and civil disobedience would be a good outlet since no other means employing logic has worked against the tyrants we loosely call "Democrats".
What can we do that represents civil disobedience without inciting violence? We need to continue to jam the phone lines in Washington and the local offices of our elected representatives. We need to jam the mail trucks with letters and the halls of the capitals with people. The buildings, vehicles and grounds are not those of our government, they belong to the people. The people must not shy away from reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. We have the second amendment right to keep and bear arms to ensure we never succumb to tyranny. When do we exercise that right? Well, I truly hope that time never arrives but it feels uncomfortably close at hand.
Our government needs to be sent a message that will cause them great and certain fear, for the moment our government no longer fears us is the moment we slip inextricably toward tyranny. Our founding fathers would be utterly repulsed and disgusted by the shameless and arrogant display of power by the Democrat party. More importantly, however, they would be disgusted by the lack of assertive action by the populace to stop the tyrants in their tracks. This message is for those in Washington at our behest: You have gone too far, now step away from the Constitution and nobody gets hurt...
I just pray we have the fortitude, memory and resolve to throw these relentless bastards out of the halls of our government now and forever. I also hope we have the resolve as a nation to elect those with the will and ability to undo the damage done and prosecute those who have willfully thrown our Constitution aside in their relentless effort to destroy this nation. This legislation is willfully unconstitutional, placing every representative who voted for it in violation of their oath and in violation of the trust of a nation. God help them all and God Bless America!
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