Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I read the news daily with great interest. Anyone taking an objective view of America and the World can see the destabilizing effect of our new President's continued fumbling with domestic and foreign affairs.

Americans are increasingly being targeted by foreign malefactors and the World economy seems to contract with every action of the liberal dominated Congress and our new Marxist President. As North Korea rattles it's nuclear saber, the toughest thing our President has had to say is "all the "i"s are dotted and the "t"s are crossed". Huh? So, he apparently has already had his teleprompter prepare remarks for the moments after North Korea turns Honolulu into glass.

Well, I certainly feel better...whew, the President has his letters in order. Am I the only one who believes the United States of America is being laughed at and ridiculed by anyone paying attention? Apparently, being the richest, most powerful nation on Earth is something to be apologetic for and we should now cower to our enemies, placate our passive allies and bow to dictatorial leaders. Eventually we will be loved and revered again and this appears to be the mindset and strategy of the new administration. Yes indeed, we should feel ashamed that our young democracy has been a shining beacon for those who love freedom and opportunity and Mr. President is there to guide us down the path of righteous mediocrity. Greatness is something to be strenuously avoided, lest we cause those who don't live within our borders any feelings of inadequacy.

It appears the new President's strategy is working. We are now seen as weak and ineffectual, selfish to a degree that resulted in the meltdown of the Global economy and now Mr. Obama will ensure that we are punished and sufficiently contrite. Lacking the proper shame from the American populace, as the new face of America, Obama will travel the World demonstrating on our behalf, adequate self loathing and contrition, all the while traveling with his faithful companions...Teleprompters I and II to ensure he doesn't get tripped by his own tongue or say anything off the cuff...Lord knows he dares not speak candidly and without prepared comments.

At the end of 2010, we will have the opportunity to demonstrate at the polls, our approval or disapproval for his wild spending via Congress and his never ending apology tours. Hope and change indeed. The Constitution is a thing to be subverted and apologetic for, after-all, it was written over 200 years ago and Obama intends to point out to all of us, how out of date and passe that silly little document is. Hell, he will go one further and intends to let the World know how important it is to be received in good favor by the many foreign entities that now hate us. With his professorial demeanor (ability to read a teleprompter in a convincing manner), and his ability to lead (take orders from the Speaker of the House and Senate majority leader without detection), Mr. Obama is rewriting the manual for how to be the President of the United States of America.

How quickly can American clout and economic power be neutralized? It seems at the current pace, Mr. Obama intends to prove it can be done in less than one term. Can one man destabilize the entire World without ever dropping a bomb? The answer to that question is: Barack Hussein Obama.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Making our Voice Heard

In this first post, I want to talk a little about why The Voice of America.org site was started. All too often we hear the ramblings, representations and misrepresentations, the broad stroke characterizations and marginalizing of everyday Americans by politicians and media. We at The Voice of America.org have decided, enough is enough. It is time for the silent majority to be heard and heeded.

All too often I see people listening to the news, shaking their heads, rolling their eyes and hear them say things like, "Who did they poll? They never asked anyone in my neighborhood!" Where exactly does the media get their information when they say "polls show"? They always throw some statistics out there to try to explain where they got their information but it is rarely detailed enough to give you a clear picture of the respondents and whether they are an accurate cross-section of American sentiment.

So, our goal here at The Voice of America.org, is to tap into the mainstream of American psyche and to make it heard. For too long our politicians have made decisions based in woeful ignorance of what the vast majority of Americans truly value. We at The Voice of America.org, seek to be non-partisan and represent the Voices of Americans who need to be heard. Thank you for your patronage and check back often.

In closing, being a very new organization, we are currently recruiting those with a knack for writing who desire to contribute content or editorials. If you wish to contribute, simply comment on the article and post your contact information there. All comments go through moderation and are not posted until reviewed. No contact information will be published, sold or used for any other purpose.

Sunday, April 26, 2009